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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a Charter School?

A. Charter schools provide parents a choice in the education of their children – and it’s a public choice. Public tax dollars are the primary funding sources for charter schools. The schools have open enrollment with no discrimination, no religious associations, and no tuition.

Q. How much does it cost to attend UCA?

A. UCA is a tuition-free school. As a public school, UCA is funded by local, state and federal tax revenue. These tax dollars follow children who attend a charter school to form the annual budget. In addition, there is private fundraising in order to provide the building and other capital needs.

Q. Is UCA part of our local school system?

A. No, charter schools are not part of any local school system. UCA is run by a private, non-profit board of directors who operate independently of local Boards of Education.

Q. Who may attend Uwharrie Charter Academy?

A. Any student who is qualified under the laws of North Carolina for admission to a public school is qualified for admission to a charter school. There is a limit in the number of open spaces in each grade level. Students are admitted without regard to race, sex, disability, color, religion, or national or ethnic origin. A diverse applicant pool is encouraged. There are no restrictions about the county of residence. UCA will serve students from Randolph, Moore, Montgomery, and Chatham Counties.

Q. What if more students apply to UCA than there are open spaces?

A. By law, if the number of applications received exceeds the number of open spaces, students will be admitted randomly by the use of an open lottery. A waiting list will be established as part of the enrollment lottery. The lottery admits students without regard to race, sex, disability, color, religion, or national or ethnic origin. A diverse applicant pool is encouraged.

Q. How do you apply to Uwharrie Charter Academy?

A. Parents may complete a Letter of Intent and forward it to UCA by the admissions deadline date. An open lottery will be held if more applications are received than there are open spaces for enrollment. Lottery results will be posted on the UCA website within 24 hours of the lottery.

Q. Will UCA follow the same calendar as the local school systems?

A. No, UCA has established a calendar that best meets its school needs.

Q. What type of classes does UCA have?

A. UCA teaches the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, with additional enrichment included as part of the curriculum. CA will provide project-based learning in a rigorous academic environment, which will emphasize science, technology, engineering, art, and math. (STEAM) Classes will be smaller in size, and there will be honors and advanced placement courses available. In addition, healthy environmental practices and stewardship will be a standard part of our routine.

Q. Will UCA students take standardized tests?

A. Yes, UCA students will take the North Carolina-mandated End-of-Grade, End-of-Course tests.

Q. Who teaches at UCA?

A. At least half of UCA teachers are certified. In addition, all teachers must follow No Child Left Behind requirements for highly qualified staff.

Q. Will school buses provide transportation to and from UCA?

A. UCA does provide some transportation. Buses pick up and drop off at common bus stops in Randleman, Troy, and Denton. Carpooling is also encouraged.

Q. Does UCA provide a cafeteria for student lunches?

A. Most students bring their lunch to school. However, hot lunches will be catered and offered to students for a cost. See the Lunch Form to order lunch for the week.
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